公立学校に関する政策の構造変容 : 東京都の事例分析から(I 特集論稿「構造改革と教育政策」)
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify a structural change in educational policy at school level by researching educational administration in Tokyo. The research focuses on the personnel system of making appointments to educational administrative positions. The reason for this choice of focus is that the non-educational staff in these positions have replaced educational staff as the main source of influence on schools. A new school management system, which demands that schools should express educational results in numerical terms, is being introduced in schools. Also being introduced is a new system of appointing elite educational administrators and career-grade principals, and a new middle manager in schools, called "shukan". These policies have been taken over from the area of city management, where they started in Tokyo in the 1980s. Through this survey, it has become clear that this process of educational decision-making is different from the usual educational decision-making process carried out by educational bureaucrats. General administrators are responsible for making decisions, so that the decision-making process, carried out under the rubric of decentralization, in fact becomes more centralized. This means that the decision-making authority of school boards is reduced. Departments under the jurisdiction of the heads of local government acquire more power to make school policies, and members of boards of education lose the initiative. General administrators manage a school like the branch office of a company, not as an educational body. On the basis of these results, the following suggestions can be formulated. Firstly, democratic control of administrative discretion becomes increasingly important. It is not clear why administrative discretion is legitimized by the theory of city management, although there is a demand for the separation of administration from politics and for more discretion. Taking control of administrative discretion will lead to a clarification of educational politics, which suffer from a lack of transparency in Japan, and to re-establishment of the system of school boards within a framework of decentralization. Secondly, there is a need for more research on how power relations between prefectural school boards and municipal school boards change in the context of decentralization. Although the centralized authority of the state remains unchanged, many pilot projects have started at school district or municipal level. Educational disputes should be argued out within a framework of educational politics that is open and democratic, because general politics is not capable of handling the concept of freedom of education. It will be necessary to give greater power to municipal school boards if we want to reform schools educationally.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 2002-06-23
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