- 論文の詳細を見る
We undertook speech therapy for functional and practical communication in patients with chronic mild aphasia. For the comprehension aspect, comprehension of long sentences using visual modalities was assessed. For the expression aspect, explanation of comics that aimed to improve word retrieval ability and discourse competence by approximating communication settings was undertaken. In addition, syntax training common to both of these aspects was provided. Our results showed no improvements in test outcomes, although the maintenance of functions was achieved. In addition, qualitative changes including fewer grammatical errors and decreased stammering were observed during the explanation of comics. However, function maintenance and qualitative changes were observed 2 years later suggesting that our interventions may have been effective to a certain degree. These findings indicate that function maintenance and improvements can be achieved, even during the chronic phase, by implementing training based on speech function assessments at that point and by providing both practical communication training and functional training.
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