1p-A1-7 金属-絶縁体混合系における誘電率と伝導度の細胞型有効媒質モデル(1p A1 金属)
First Determination of the Inhibitor Complex Structure of Human Hematopoietic Prostaglandin D Synthase
Incommensurate Lattice Distortion in the High Temperature Tetragonal Phase of La_(Sr,Ba)_xCuO_4(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
X-ray and Electron Diffraction Study of a Precipitation Phase in Nd_Ce_CuO_ Single Crystal(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
Preparation and Characterization of Ca^-free Methanol Dehydrogenase from Hyphomicrobium denitrificans A3151
25aSA-13 Ge-Sガラスの電子構造と局所構造
Effect of Crystal Defects on Laser-Induced-Damage Tolerance of Organic Crystal, 4-Dimethylamino-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium Tosylate
DC Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Utilizing the High T_c Step-Edge Junction
EP-P36 Structural and functional characterization of glycerol kinase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
Proline Effect on the Thermostability and Slow Unfolding of a Hyperthermophilic Protein
2P-078 大腸菌由来pitrilysinの安定性解析(蛋白質・物性(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
Structural Basis for the Decarboxylation of Orotidine 5'-Monophosphate (OMP) by Plasmodium Falciparum OMP Decarboxylase
Protein Thermostabilization Requires a Fine-tuned Placement of Surface-charged Residues
Application of Femtosecond Laser Ablation for Detaching Grown Protein Crystals from Glass Capillary Tube(METHODS)
2P149 A novel supramolecular assembly and intermolecular electrontransfer process of Hyphomicrobium Cu-containing nitrite reductase(33. Redox enzyme,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
3F11-3 Crystal structures of cavity-filling mutants of E. coli RNase HI
Removal of Diazonaphthoquinone/Novolak Resist Using UV Laser (266nm)
Electrical Conductivity of Polymer Composites Filled with Metal
Characterization of Two-Photon Absorption Related to the Enhanced Bulk Damage Resistance in CsLiB_6O_ Crystal
Protein Crystal Growth Using Laser-Processed Seed Crystals
Electrical Conductivity of Polymer Composites Filled with Carbon Black
Structural Reorganization of the Copper Binding Site Involving Thr^ of Mavicyanin from Cucurbita pepo medullosa (Zucchini) upon Reduction
Removal of Positive-tone Diazonaphthoquinone/Novolak Resist Using UV Laser lrradiation
Laser-Induced Bulk Damage of Various Types of Silica Glasses at 266nm
Laser Irradiated Growth of Protein Crystal
Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Crystallographic Studies of Trypanosoma brucei Prostaglandin F_ Synthase
30pXF-10 イットリア安定化ジルコニアの時効による導電率低下メカニズム(超イオン伝導体)(領域5)
28aPS-2 Y-123の臨界電流に及ぼすCuサイトLi添加効果(領域8 ポスターセッション)(領域8)
21pTB-8 イットリア安定化ジルコニア導電率経時変化メカニズムに関する研究
22aPS-109 Pr-123 系における Sr 添加による相変化と伝導特性
22aPS-105 Y-123 の磁化緩和に及ぼす Li 添加効果
31aPS-71 Pr^ 添加硫化物ガラス発光特性のマトリックス依存性
20aYJ-12 ゲルマニウム・カルコゲナイドの電子構造と局所構造
20aYJ-11 Ge-S系アモルファス半導体の光学特性とギャップ内状態
18pPSA-26 YBCOの臨界電流にもたらすPrドープ効果
18pPSA-23 複合銅酸化物NdPrBaCuOとGdPrBaCuOにおける電流依存型負性抵抗
28pTC-6 アモルファスGe-Seの電子構造と局所構造
28pPSA-28 磁場中のYBCOにおける臨界電流のPr添加効果
28pPSA-22 GPBCOにおける不均質構造と電流依存性抵抗
25pL-6 Ge-S系アモルファス半導体の構造と価電子帯状態密度
23aPS-19 YBCO-PBCO系における希土類元素拡散過程とパーコレーション過程
24aPS-33 YBaCuO-PrBaCuO-YPrBaCuO混合系の構造と伝導特性
25pU-11 銅酸化物複合系YBaCuO-PrBaCuOにおけるパーコレーションの複合構造
28p-XF-9 銅酸化物YPrBaCuO系における超伝導経路とナノ構造パーコレーション過程
28p-PSA-48 YBaCuO-PrBaCuO複合系における希土類元素拡散と超伝導特性
26a-PS-17 Pr-YBCOにおけるクラスター構造と電流経路の挙動
30p-PSA-48 Y211-Bi2223系複合材料の輸送特性と臨界現象
7a-YE-12 Y211-Bi2223系複合材料の輸送現象とパーコレーション転移
30p-WE-5 Y211-Y123系複合材料の輸送現象とパーコレーション転移
3a-PS-42 銀添加 Bi-2223試料の熱伝導率とパーコレーション転移
Substrate Dependence of Laser-Induced Damage Threshold of Scandium Oxide High-Reflector Coatings for UV Pulsed Laser
Cytochrome c_ Is a Mediator of Electron Transfer between Copper-Containing Nitrite Reductase and Azurin in a Denitrifying Bacterium, Achromobacter xylosoxidans
Pulse Radiolysis of Hexameric Nitrite Reductase Containing Two Type 1 Cu Sites in a Monomer
1P-060 銅型亜硝酸還元酵素-基質複合体結晶を用いたX線照射による効果の結晶学的研究(蛋白質・構造機能相関(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
1P-059 銅型亜硝酸還元酵素とシトクロムcの電子伝達複合体相互作用界面における部位特異的変異導入の効果(蛋白質・構造機能相関(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
Identification of a Blue Copper Protein from Hyphomicrobium denitrificans and its Functions in the Periplasm
Effect of RF Plasma Etching on Surface Damage in CsLiB_6O_ Crystal
Effect of Arginine at Type 2 Cu Site on Spectroscopic Features and Enzymatic Activity of Copper-containing Nitrite Reductase
Energy Spectrum of Spin Fluctuations in Superconducting La_Sr_xCuO_4(0.10≤x≤0.25) : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
Enhancement of Surface-Damage Resistance by Removing Subsurface Damage in Fused Silica and Its Dependence on Wavelength
Laser-Induced Bulk Damage of Various Types of Silica Glasses at 532 and 355nm
Ion Etching of Fused Silica Glasses for High-Power Lasers
Laser-Induced Bulk Damage of Various Types of Silica Glasses with Fundamental and Higher Harmonics of Nd : YAG Laser
Crystal Structures of Wild-Type and Mutant Plastocyanins from a Higher Plant, Silene^1
Type1 Cu Structure of Blue Nitrite Reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans GIFU 1051 at 2.05 Å Resolution: Comparison of Blue and Green Nitrite Reductases
Dynamical Magnetic Structure of the Spin Density Wave State in Cr
Magnetic Excitations in Spin Density Wave (SDW) State of Cr
First Evidence of Interfacial Magnetic Roughness in Fe/Cr Artificial Multilayer Studied by Neutron Diffraction Measurement
Isolation and Characterization of Two Distinct Azurins from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp.xylosoxidans NCIB11015 or GIFU1051
31p-K-5 スピングラスを示すLa_Sr_CuO_4における磁気秩序
90°Phase-Matching Properties of YCa_4O(BO_3)_3 and Gd_x Y_Ca_4O(BO_3)_3
Dynamic Spin Properties of La_Sr_CuO_4
Low-Energy Spin Fluctuations in La_Sr_xCU_Zn_yO_4 (x=0.14, y=0.012)
Spin Correlations in High Temperature Superconductors of "214" Cuprate Oxides : II-C Neutron Scattering, NMR and NQR and Ultrasonics : II Oxide Superconductors; Experiments II : Electronic States
Nondestructive Analysis and Control of Doping Rate in La_(Bi,Sr)_xCuO_
Excess Oxygen Doping in Single Crystals of La_Bi_xCuO_ with or without Macroscopic Phase Separation
An Overall Energy Spectrum of Magnetic Fluctuations in the Superconducting La_Sr_CuO_4
Soft Phonons and Structural Phase Transitions in La_Ba_CuO_4(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
Complete Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spin-Wave Dispersion Relation of La_2NiO_4 Determined by Chopper Spectrometer Installed at the Pulsed Neutron Source
Determination of Space Group and Refinement of Structure Parameters for La_2CuO_ Crystals : Condensed Matter
Behavior of Percolation Clusters in Sintered Mixture of Niobium and Alumina : Condensed Matter
Three-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Order and Anisotropic Magnetic Properties in Bi_2CuO_4
Verification of the Model of Inductive Coupling between a Josephson Oscillator and a Stripline
Modeling of Kinetic-Inductance Coplanar Stripline with NbN Thin Films
Enlargement of Kinetic Inductance of NbN Superconducting Thin Films for Device Applications
Relaxation Oscillators Made of YBaCuO Thin Films
Evaluation of Temperature and Magnetic-Field Dependence of Pinning Potential of High T_c Superconductors from Flux-Creep Resistivity Experiments
A New Anode-Electrode Structure for Sputter Deposition of High-Quality Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films
Effect of Flux Creep on Current-Voltage Characteristics of Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films
Experimental Study of Noise Characteristics of Large-β dc SQUID with Resistively Shunted Inductance : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
Spatial Distribution of Trapped Magnetic Flux in the High-T_c Superconductor Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_. II. Comparison with the Critical State Model : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
Conversion Efficiency of a Large-β DC-SQUID with a Resistively Shunted Inductance
Effects of Kinetic Inductance on the Performance of a Flux-Flow-Type Josephson Amplifier
Spatial Distribution of Trapped Magnetic Flux in the High T_c Superconductor Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_