J102055 ユーザ携帯型超音波受信器を用いた横断歩道支援システム([J10205]ライフサポート(5))
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This paper addresses the technical feasibility of a guidance system based on ultrasonic sensors to aid visually impaired people to cross a road easily and safely. A computer processes ultrasonic signals received by a sensor carried by the impaired people, which is emitted by three transmitters been set at back of crosswalk in a straight line with constant distance, and provides real-time information on the direction and distance to keep user on the correct track. Instead of time of flight, the system estimates user position by the order of received ultrasonic signals from multiple transmitters. Experimental results are presented to discuss feasibility of this method.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
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- J102055 ユーザ携帯型超音波受信器を用いた横断歩道支援システム([J10205]ライフサポート(5))