J024011 反応速度論的モデルに基づく細胞分化特性の数学的記述([J02401]バイオにおける流れと熱・物質移動(1))
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In the previous study, a mathematical model with reaction kinetic formulation to describe the process of cell differentiation with cell growth was proposed and developed. Characteristics of the model were investigated by the parameter study of model constants, corresponding to rate constants for cell growth and cell differentiation. In the present study, the characteristics of growth and differentiation of PC12 cells as nerve cells (changes in number of cells in time-series) were experimentally investigated. From the invers problem analysis on the basis of the experimental results and the mathematical model mentioned above, the model constants, regarded as characteristic properties of cells, were determined, and the number fractions of differentiated cells and dividing undifferentiated-cells to all the cells were compared between the experiment and prediction. Also, the rate constants of growth and differentiation of the cells as a function of serum concentration were clarified. The results showed that the characteristics of growth and differentiation of cells were described mathematically and properly through the reaction kinetic model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
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