- 論文の詳細を見る
This study reports on a field investigation on the system of mutual assistance and supports in China, considering the various differences influenced by the Revolution of the marketing economical system. First, the blood relations and companionship relations have been basically fundamental structures, before and after the Revolution. Second, the children have a role as much as the parents in the system of mutual assistance after the Revolution. Parents and children, friends, relatives, community relations, and friends have had a role in order as the mutual assistance, and then, there have been the shifts of supports by marketing, semi-governmental organizations, government, and cooperatives in order, before and after the Revolution. Third, the varieties of supports have been such as : material & monetary supports, mental supports, laboring supports, and recruiting supports in order, before and after the Revolution. But statistical differences are shown in the places of the supporters for the laboring supports such as : the neighbors' supports, which was in the second place as well as the functional supports, after the kin before the Revolution, has risen to the top of the list. Especially, after the Revolution, the recruiting supports, which encourages the victims of recent restructures to find a new job, has imaged in the mobilization of all supports except marketing supports and cooperative supports. From these findings, it can be said that there are not any remarkable influences in the society of the blood relations and companionship relations in China, except that the children have a role as much as the parents in the system of mutual assistance after the Revolution. But we have found the practical changes in the systematic structure of mutual assistance and supports after the Revolution. And we have also found the changes of social structure influenced by the Revolution.
- 日中社会学会の論文
- 2001-08-10
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