A02 ソナゾイド併用による超音波誘導アポトーシスの増強
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Ultrasound (US) has been shown to induce apoptosis and cell lysis in cancer cells. In this 26 study, we report on the potential of using Sonazoid, a new echo-contrast agent, that is chemically more stable and US-resistant hi combination with US in cancer therapy. The biological effects and their mechanisms in the presence or absence of ultrasonic exposure in vitro were investigated. In addition, the impact of the agent on the expression levels of genes responsive to US was studied using global-scale microarrays and computational gene expression analysis tools. Our results show that the combination led to enhanced cell killing in the presence of 1 MHz acoustic field. The apoptosis induction was shown to be mediated by the mitochondrial pathway. The occurrence of US-induced DNA damage was also observed. Despite these findings, the agent at concentrations similar to those clinically used can be considered as well tolerated. Furthermore, Sonazoid enhanced expression of genes that related to apoptosis and are responsive to US, although it alone had almost no effect. These results indicate the potential of Sonazoid for US contrast enhancement as well as the possibility of its use in US-aided therapies.
- 日本ソノケミストリー学会の論文
- 2009-10-23
近藤 隆
趙 慶利
Zhao Qing-li
Department Of Radiological Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences Universi
高崎 一朗
田渕 圭章
和田 重人
Takasaki Ichiro
Life Science Research Center University Of Toyama
Zhao Qing-li
Department Of Radiological Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences Universi
Zhao Qing-li
Department Of Radiological Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences Universi
古澤 之裕
Hassan Mariame
趙 慶利
古澤 之裕
和田 重人
近藤 隆
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