Fourier熱伝導論の成立と実験 : 1807年の論文と実験に関する手稿とを中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
Joseph Fourier, known as the author of Theorie analytique de la chaleur (1822), had previously tried to confirm the results of his mathematical analysis by experiment and reported some details of these experiments in his first paper on heat conduction "Theorie de la propagation de la chaleur dans les solides" (1807). Additionally, in Fourier's MSS., left are many notes on his experiments dated before 1807. They give vivid evidence not only for Fourier's experimental skill, but also for the actual modes of physical experiments in his time. The aims of Fourier's experimental research were; (1) to verify his ingenious foresights deducible from the theory-ex. experiments on the steady thermal state in annulus and on heat diffusion in annulus and spheres; (2) to analyze the physical conditions which affect the exactness of the experimental results but can not be expounded by purely mathematical means-ex. experiments on heat diffusion in spheres and cubes under various thermal conditions; (3) to determine such physical constants as the, ratio of external conductivity to internal one-ex. experiments on the steady state in annulus (which, though unsuccessful, was the starting point for. new method); and (4) to carry out tests indispensable for applying mathematical analysis to such practical problems as the error and response of thermometers. Fourier's researches on heat conduction, so comprehensive as to cover theoretical analysis, experimental verification and even practical application, are really distinguished among the investigations contemporary with his ones.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 1987-08-31
- 4. 第3セッション報告「放送公開講座調査研究報告」(IV.第7回放送利用の大学公開講座シンポジウムの実施報告,平成元年度放送利用の大学公開講座に関する実施報告書)
- 反相対論者 ・ 土井不曇と大正期物理科学界
- 北海道大学(II. 平成2年度大学別実施報告,平成2年度放送利用の大学公開講座に関する実施報告書)
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- Fourier熱伝導論の成立とCount Rumford, Biotの熱伝導実験
- Fourier熱伝導論の成立と実験 : 1807年の論文と実験に関する手稿とを中心に