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All movements in Vaigesika system are momentary, while the continuous motion is composed of a series of momentary movements caused by propulsive power. This propulsive power is regarded as a volitional effort on human bodies. It becomes vega (the power of motion) on movements of matter. (I) The movements of matter are produced by two methods, related with nodana and abhighata (kinds of contact). The nodana is an impulsive contact, acting between a mover and the moved matter. The abhighiita is an impulsive contact, separating instantaneously a colliding matter from the collided solid matter. (1) The following movements are produced by an impulsion. (i) When a mover impuls the moved matter through nodana (a kind of contact), the first momentary movement is produced by the movement of mover. (ii) This first momentary movement produces the vega (the power of motion) in the moved matter. (iii) Through the special contact, so called nodana, the momentary movement and the vega are correlatively increased. As soon as the vega in the moved matter reaches to the maximum point, the moved matter is separated from the mover. (iv) The momentary movements of moved matter are performed by the intensity of the vega in the matter. (v) The intensity of the vega is gradually decreased by surrounding resistance or the weight of the matter. (vi) When the intensity of the vega in the matter is vanished, the matter falls down because of its weight. (2) The following movements of matter are produced by a collision. (i) When a matter is collided by the other solid matter, the first momentary movement of the matter is produced by the abhighata (a kind of contact). (ii) The above movement brings about the vega in the matter. The matter is instantaneously separated from another solid matter. (iii) The other momentary movements of the matter are produced by the intensity of the vega in the matter. (II) The vega (the power of motion) treated in the above (I) item, is apparently very similar to the impetus theory of the medieval Europe. The vega is, however, conceptually very different from the impetus. I would like to point out difference between these. The vega is a kind of power in the moved matter which is produced from the momentary movement of the moved matter through a kind of contact, nodana or abhighata. Moreover, in Vaisesika system movements are always considered as momentary. The vega is a kind of propulsive power by which a series of momentary movements are produced. On the contrary, the impetus is a driving force charged directly by a mover. Besides, it is the internal force for pushing the moved matter. Finally, the essential concept of the Indian vega is very different from the Western impetus.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 1986-02-14
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