古代インドの度量衡 : 体積単位について
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Having studied the two kinds of Magadha system, I would like to present the following table: These units of volume were determined by the weight of a standard substance. In both systems, the volume of water was always determined by the unit of dry measures. It seems that the weight of water is used as the standard of dry measure. (1) The unit volume of liquid measures in the new-Magadha system, namely, 1 khari, is very similar to that of Persian system, 1 alab den (= (32 digit)^3). The unit volume, 1 kharl might be influenced by the Persian system. (2) The very system in which each unit volume is increased four by four times (such system as 4 kudava = 1 prastha, 4^2 kudava = 1 adhake, ......), is always found in India. (3) The unit volume of dry measures is formed by the weight of water and the unit volume of liquid measures is made larger than that of dry measures in the Indian volume systems. In the European systems, however, the unit volume of liquid measures is formed by the weight of water, and the unit volume of dry measures is made larger than that of liquid measures. The number of small substances (melted in the unit volume of liquid measures) is aimed to equal the number in the unit volume of dry measures in the Indian system. This tendency might be some connection with the atomic idea in the ancient India.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 1982-04-30
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