1P1-J10 受動制御を行う移動マニピュレータと車いすによる協調段差乗り上げ(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper discusses cooperative step climbing strategy using a manual wheelchair and a wheeled robot which has two passive joint manipulators. In step climbing, these vehicle are connected, one behind the other, by the manipulators. In order to climb a step, the system has to control the link angles of manipulators. Thus the system pins the passive rotary motions of the links using the stopper mechanisms which are on the both vehicles. We construct the teleoperated robot system, and the experimental results show that this method is effective.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-05-26
- マニピュレータの受動制御を利用した車輪型ロボットによる車いすの段差移動
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- 1P1-J10 受動制御を行う移動マニピュレータと車いすによる協調段差乗り上げ(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット)