自閉児のオペラント言語形成技法の最近の動向 : Sign languageについて(海外の動向)
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During past fifteen years, operant speech training has been successfully used to teach nonverbal autistic children the skills necessary for language. Results of operant speech training, however, have found weak-points as follows: the lack of response generalization outside the therapy situation and much time-consuming for therapy. Reviwes of current literatures on language training for autistic children indicate the efficacy of sign language training different from speech learning. As a reason of using sign language, autistic children have auditory and auditory-visual association problems which were been demonstrated by experiments in perception and language abilities of the children. Therefore, it has needed to divice the visual language like gestures or visual symbols. The American sign language (for the deaf) and Premack's visual symbol learning were used to teach the children language in current literatures. Successful results have been reported, but it remained the researches of sign learning applied for autistic children and of some psychological factors. The present article suggested that firstly, the weak-points of traditional operant speech training, secondly, the bases of teaching sign language to autistic childreh, thirdly, reviews of current sign language researches and finally, a direction of sign language researches and the point at issues.
- 日本行動療法学会の論文
- 1980-10-20
- 1119 自閉症児による弁別移行学習(自閉児,障害4,口頭発表)
- 自閉症児における顔刺激の弁別学習
- チックに対するセルフモニタリング法の利用
- 自閉児の弁別逆転, 部分逆転学習について(痛みの行動療法(II))
- 自閉児のオペラント言語形成技法の最近の動向 : Sign languageについて(海外の動向)
- 27 神経症に対するSSIの開発(1)(研究発表(ポスター発表-2))
- Anderson, N. B. & Rincover, A., The Generality of Overselectivity in Developmentally Disabled Children, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1982, 34, 217-230
- 自閉症児の認知機能の実験研究 : 顔刺激の弁別学習による(一般演題(6),口演発表)