MP-37 MEMS技術を用いた微小熱分析法の研究 : 高温度域への拡張(ポスターセッション)
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The cantilever type MEMS calorimeter enables thermal analysis and mass measurement for micro- to nano-gram level samples. In this study, to extend the MEMS-based thermal analysis to high temperature range, a heat-resistant MEMS calorimeter has been developed. The new calorimeter equips a resistance temperature detector, a heater for temperature scan and a strain gauge for detecting the mechanical oscillation of the cantilever, and those resistance devices are made of platinum thin film. A thermal response test of the calorimeter showed fast temperature scanning ability of over 10^4K/s. From the experiment of high temperature scan, it was confirmed that the annealing of the calorimeter is necessary to get the reproducible high temperature resistance characteristics. Moreover, a high temperature DTA for tiny aluminum sample showed clear endothermic and exothermic peaks which correspond to melting and solidification of micro-gram level aluminum. The heat-resistant MEMS calorimeter performed an extension of the analytical temperature range up to 800℃.
- 2011-09-25
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- B142 マイクロマニピュレータチップと微小物体間に働く付着力の熱的制御性(OS-4:マイクロ・ナノ熱工学(II))
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- MP-37 MEMS技術を用いた微小熱分析法の研究 : 高温度域への拡張(ポスターセッション)
- MP-52 MEMS技術を用いた認識性の高いオプティカルインジケータの研究(ポスターセッション)
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- 6-4 SThM用多機能カンチレバープローブによる局所熱計測(セッション6:マイクロ物理センサ)
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