120104 紫外線硬化樹脂の硬化過程における熱と流動の同時測定(OS03 実験力学的手法とその応用1,オーガナイズド・セッション)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The relationship between the temperature and movement of ultraviolet (UV) curable resin illuminated at UV ray is investigated. A system is developed for simultaneously measuring temperature and movement of the resin. The temperature and movement are measured using infrared and digital cameras, respectively. The movement is shown as streamline patterns drawn on the basic of velocity obtained using a digital image correlation technique. Moreover, the movement is represented as the paths of particles mixed in the resin obtained using a digital image correlation technique. Results indicate that the movement of UV curable resin in curing process mainly relates to the shrinkage of the resin and hardly to the temperature of the resin.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-03-17
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- 309 き裂を有する薄板金属材料のJ積分評価(材料力学II)