- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to determine that, among the mechanisms which create "appropriation", how "comparisonand examination of thinking", "self-reflection", "introjection of thinking of others", and "awareness of knowledgeand skills, and realization of efficacy" are positioned in the teaching process, as well as what connections withthe learning processes and what techniques used by teachers create these mechanisms.We analyzed the learning processes of two students. The results of the analysis revealed that "appropriation" wascreated only when "self-reflection" toward the unit target organically interacted with "comparison and examinationof thinking", "introjection of thinking of others" and "awareness of knowledge and skills, and realization of efficacy".Also, it was identified that establishing the target, focusing on everything, from the primary through to the end of theunit, as well as establishing expressive activities focusing on the context of real life, using the dialogical involvementof teachers, encouraged the students to utilize their knowledge and skills, and were essential to the establishment ofa responsive relationship among the students.
- 熊本大学の論文
- 2013-12-12
- 入門期におけるコミュニケーション能力の育成に関する考察
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