成長する英語教師の自主的研修方略 ・ 現職英語教師の自主的な学びを促す授業実践行動チェック(評価)項目リストVer.1.1の活用可能性
- 論文の詳細を見る
Reflection on classroom teaching practices and experiences has been commonly and correctly regarded as essential for in-service English teachers' development. In order to reinvent themselves day after day, teachers need to reflect upon professional experiences within a specific context and relate them to the broader issues of teaching and learning. The only problem, however, is that effective tools and strategies for reflection have not been developed yet. In this paper, 'Self-access Checklist Ver.1.1 for In-service English Teachers' Reflection of Classroom Teaching Practice' developed by the author, its application methods and usability are to be discussed for self-access and collaborative lesson studies by in-service English teachers wishing to manage their own professional development.
- 木更津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2013-01-31
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- 成長する英語教師の自主的研修方略 ・ 現職英語教師の自主的な学びを促す授業実践行動チェック(評価)項目リストVer.1.1の活用可能性