Between Ideology and Science : Dialectics of Dispute on Physics in 1920s-1930s Soviet Russia(<Special Issue>Science and Soviet Political Authorities: Conflict, Cooperation, and Incongruence)
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This paper examines the relationship between Soviet scientific community and authority in the Stalin era by investigating how specialists of physical sciences and communist ideologues deal with interpretation of physical theories or concepts in the 1920s and 1930s. Soviet physico-philosophical disputes have often been regarded as a persistent attack on modern physical theories by well allied ideologues or ignoramuses. Minute study of historical documents with a consideration of socio-political context tells us, however, that this veiw must be radically revised. Attacks on leading physicists were not well formed, except for the comparatively short period of the Great Terror. Physicists also sought to find the way of description of physics, which is compatible with Marxist ideology dialectical materialism. We will suggest that it will be suitable to grasp the process of dispute as one of acquiring "Soviet Newspeak", not as a success on showing the correctness or usefulness of physics by leading physicists.
- 2013-03-31
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology
金山 浩司
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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- A・ヨッフェと科学の計画化
- 書評 : 藤岡毅著『ルィセンコ主義はなぜ出現したか : 生物学の弁証法化の成果と挫折』
- Between Ideology and Science : Dialectics of Dispute on Physics in 1920s-1930s Soviet Russia(Science and Soviet Political Authorities: Conflict, Cooperation, and Incongruence)
- 科学とイデオロギーの狭間で : 戦前期ソ連における物理学をめぐる論争の弁証法(パネル報告要旨,2012年度ロシア史研究会大会)