1930年代前半期ソ連における物理学に対する反形式主義的議論 : 空間概念・エネルギー概念をめぐって
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In this study, I analysed the discourse of a philosophical dispute about the idea or theory of physics, which occurred in the first half of 1930-s in the Soviet Union. I examined the internal contents of the dispute between leading physicists and communist philosophers or old-generated technicians. This analysis has shown that against leading physicists such as Ia. I. Frenkel' or I.E. Tamm, their opponents such as V.E. Egorshin (communist philosopher) or V.F. Mitkevich (old-generation electrical engineer) insisted on the importance of materialistic/realistic interpretation of field proposed by Frenkel', which allowed the action in distance. Egorshin, based on Engels' philosophy, maintained the importance of the idea of energy as the reflection of the motion of real matters. Despite the ignorance (as pointed out by Soviet physicists) or bitterness of their discourse, the argument of the opponents is also understandable from their "anti-formalistic" tendency. This tendency has continued to form a base of the dispute about the philosophy of physics in the Soviet Union.
- 2008-12-25
金山 浩司
金山 浩司
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 同床異夢の反動家たち : 1930年代ソ連での物理学をめぐる哲学・イデオロギー論争における「現代物理学への反対者」同士の関係について
- 1930年代前半期ソ連における物理学に対する反形式主義的議論 : 空間概念・エネルギー概念をめぐって
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- A・ヨッフェと科学の計画化
- 書評 : 藤岡毅著『ルィセンコ主義はなぜ出現したか : 生物学の弁証法化の成果と挫折』
- Between Ideology and Science : Dialectics of Dispute on Physics in 1920s-1930s Soviet Russia(Science and Soviet Political Authorities: Conflict, Cooperation, and Incongruence)
- 科学とイデオロギーの狭間で : 戦前期ソ連における物理学をめぐる論争の弁証法(パネル報告要旨,2012年度ロシア史研究会大会)