同床異夢の反動家たち : 1930年代ソ連での物理学をめぐる哲学・イデオロギー論争における「現代物理学への反対者」同士の関係について
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The present study seeks to reveal the unknown political factor of the philosophical-ideological disputes over physics in the pre-war Soviet Russia. Previous studies on this issue assumed conflicts between the two definite fractions to have a basic framework: courageous leading physicists on one hand, and foolish communists or old-generation scientists on the other. Such a distinct dichotomy, however, may have to be reconsidered after studying archival material. That is to say, the relationship between A.A. Maksimov, one of the representatives of communist ideology, and V.F. Mitkevich, a prominent specialist of the electrical technology, was more ambivalent than it seems to be. These two men apparently had a common aggressive character: both of them charged leading physicists, such as Ya. I. Frenkel' and A.F. Ioffe, of having an idealistic view. Yet, the correspondences exchanged between these 'opponents' clearly show that they severely disagreed (until 1937) on issues such as ontological views on mathematical notions or terminologies to be used in the dispute. Occasionally, the communist even criticized the electric engineer for overemphasizing the dangers of modern physical theories to materialism, an official Soviet philosophical system. Hence, until the mid 1930's, Mitkevich and Maksimov did not become confident allies of each other. This awkwardness might be regarded as one of the reasons why the dispute over the interpretation of modern physics did not result in a clear break between the professional physicists and the 'opponents'.
- 2010-12-24
金山 浩司
金山 浩司
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 同床異夢の反動家たち : 1930年代ソ連での物理学をめぐる哲学・イデオロギー論争における「現代物理学への反対者」同士の関係について
- 1930年代前半期ソ連における物理学に対する反形式主義的議論 : 空間概念・エネルギー概念をめぐって
- 市川浩『冷戦と科学技術--旧ソ連邦1945-1955年』
- いわゆる宇宙の「熱的死」について (翻訳と解題 コーリマン「いわゆる宇宙の『熱的死』について」)
- 解題 (翻訳と解題 コーリマン「いわゆる宇宙の『熱的死』について」)
- ソヴィエトの語法を身につけた物理学者 : 1930年代哲学論争とその帰結
- 物質理念の発展〔含 解題〕
- 柔らかい強制-スターリン時代初期における科学思想の方向付けの一事例
- エネルギー保存則は保存される--一九三〇年代半ばにソ連において行われた哲学論争の再考
- 小林俊哉編, 『ロシアの科学者 ソ連崩壊の衝撃を超えて』, 東洋書店, 2005年, 63ページ, ISBN:4885955904, 600円
- A・ヨッフェと科学の計画化
- 書評 : 藤岡毅著『ルィセンコ主義はなぜ出現したか : 生物学の弁証法化の成果と挫折』
- Between Ideology and Science : Dialectics of Dispute on Physics in 1920s-1930s Soviet Russia(Science and Soviet Political Authorities: Conflict, Cooperation, and Incongruence)
- 科学とイデオロギーの狭間で : 戦前期ソ連における物理学をめぐる論争の弁証法(パネル報告要旨,2012年度ロシア史研究会大会)