教育行政と他行政分野の連携と競合 : 産業・科学技術行政を素材に(教育行政と他行政分野の連携と競合,I 年報フォーラム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper examines competition and collaboration among three fields of administration-education, industry and science & technology. After examining how to define the field of administration, the following two points are discussed: 1. For each field of administration, the organizational division and the theoretical classification are compared and their historical changes are described. For educational administration, a structural reform took place in the middle of the Meiji era whereby most professional/vocational education, which used to belong to other areas of administration, became included in the field of education. For industrial administration, taking the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and its antecedents as a representative example of a supervising organization, it is argued that this field of administration has long existed, and that its main policy instruments have been industrial organization policy, industrial structure policy, industrial science and technology policy, and international trade policy. As for science & technology administration, its functions had been dispersed to various ministries until 1956, when the Science and Technology Agency was established as an organization specifically in charge of science & technology administration. Thus, there arose a structure where the Science and Technology Agency took charge of the overall coordination function on top of a trilateral structure consisting of the Ministry of Education for academia, the Science and Technology Agency for big science, and the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry for industrial technology. This configuration ceased to exist in 2001, due to the reorganization of government ministries, and the overall coordination function was strengthened with the birth of the Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) in the Cabinet Office. 2. As an example of competition between educational administration and industrial/science & technology administration, the management of human resources is described in detail, with notable economic growth strategies such as the Doubling Income Policy in the 1960's to increase science and engineering students, the programs in the 1970's to train information processing engineers, and the recent attempt at university evaluation by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Conversely, some examples of collaboration between these fields of administration are also introduced, including various cases of academic-industry collaboration and the regional cluster program (a policy to promote regional high technology industry). Regarding the CSTP, it is pointed out that the overall coordination by the Council takes place from within a supreme position of the Cabinet and also that it is more powerful than the former Council for Science and Technology. The CSTP covers not only natural sciences and engineering, but also social sciences and humanities. The former fields are promoted by the Science and Technology Basic Law, but the latter are not; thus, it is claimed that a new policy to encourage these fields is required. The Central Education Council has recently been considering the generic ability every graduate should earn from an undergraduate education in Japan, and it termed such ability "gakushi-ryoku," literally meaning the "bachelor's ability." Some scholars are claiming that the discrepancy between expertise gained in universities and the specialized ability required after graduation is on the increase. Common to these problems is that collaborative work between educational and other fields of administration is needed. Educational administration research is therefore anticipated to further expand its scope in order to bring about greater achievements in the educational system.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2008-10-10
- III 高等教育と労働・産業 (1) : 見直されるその関係
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