SBMをめぐる課題(まとめ,School-Based Management,V 国際シンポジウム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The Purpose of International Symposium The International Symposium titled School-Based Management was held in the Hannam University (Taejon) at 17th September, 1998 hosted by KSSEA (Korea Society for the Study of Educational Administration). This Symposium formed a part of schemes based on the joint seminar between the JEAS and KSSEA. The purpose of the Symposium was noted by Dr. Sam Hwan Joo (President of KSSEA) in his opening address with utter conclusion, "it will be meaningful to exchange our experiences and opinions on the bright sides and dark ones of "school-based management" as an alternative for school improvement". 2. Themes of Presentation, Speakers and Discussants 1) Models for Leadership in the Information Age Dr. Thomas J. Penland, Taejon Christian International School, USA Discussant: Prof. Dong-Seop Jin, Seoul National University, Korea 2) The Changes of Japanese School Management and Administration in the Past, Present and Future Prof. Toyokazu Urano, University of Tokyo, japan Discussant: Dr. Man-Soon Nam,Hongik University, Korea 3) School-Based Management as the Panacea for Effective School: The Hong Kong Experience Dr. Ho Ming Ng, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Discussant: Prof. Se-Young Chun, Chungnam National University, Korea 4) Making the Links to Learning: Global Findings from Research on School-Based Management Dr. Brian J. Caldwell, Prof, and Dean of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia Discussant: Dr. Hyunsook Yu, Kyungnam University .Korea 5) School-Based Management in Korea: Process of Institutionalization and Prospect Toward Success Prof. Seung-Yul Kim, Kyungnam University, Korea Discussant: Prof. Takeaki Nakadome, University of Kyushu, Japan 3. Abstracts of Presentations Pres.1 : After a concise review of American culture, auther suggests the leadership skills required for success in the new century and the relationship between them and school-based management. There are four areas in the leadership skills; Collaborative Leadership, Strategic Leadership, Global Leadership and Character/Values Leadership. Only leadership that combines collaboration, strategic thinking, global mindedness, and is "others" value driven is appropriate for education in the "information age". Pres. 2 : Auther argues the changes of Japanese school management and administration in the past, present and future. After difining SBM as "open-to-the-public type of school management", he argues that SBM is required for three reasons in recent Japan; needs of the current generation and present education, consistency with the philosophy of the Constitution of Japan and the Fundamental Law of Education and accordance with the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Education Reform Movement in the world. He gives an example of SBM in a prefecture; "Educational Reform in Tosa", and notes that it will take much time to extend the idea of open-to-the-public type of school management to the whole of Japan. Pres. 3 : Auther's aim is to examine the conception of SBM and its effects on school effectiveness and performance in general, and to scrutinize the implementation of SBM in Hong Kong in particular. He starts to look at the elusiveness of the SBM concept and then closely examines the logic of SBM and its underlying premises. Pres. 4 : Author's view is that there are three generations of studies of school-based management discernible across the world, and it is in the third generation that the nature of the linkage between SBM or school self-management (SSM) and learning outcomes can be mapped in a manner that can be trustworthy in policy and practice. Particular attention is given in this paper to the research conducted by the Cooperative Research Project and J.Wee in Victoria, Australia. Those work delineated maps of direct and indirect links between SSM and the student learning. Pres. 5 : After examining the meaning of SBM, auther discusses the background of introduction of SBM in Korea. Then he argue the conditions in which the model of school management based on autonomy and responsibility will be successful. He notes that SBM requires a shift in Korean traditional paradigm.
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- SBMをめぐる課題(まとめ,School-Based Management,V 国際シンポジウム)