教育の国際化と外国人にかかわる教育法制の課題(I 論説<「教育の国際化」の今日的課題>)
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Recently foreign nationals who visit Japan have increased in number every year with the rise of international exchange, whereby the number of foreign nationals who stay in Japan for a long time also have increased. And the education of foreign worker's children is posing serious problems for Japan. Especially, Nisei and Sansei-Long Term Residents from Brazil, Peru and other countries have rapidly increased since the amendment of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (enforced from June 1, 1990). It is not commonly accepted that foreign nationals have 'the legal right to receive education', but it is desirable to make effort for guarantee of their educational opportunity. The International Covenant on Human Rights (Covenant A) recognizes 'the legal right to receive education' as an individual, and on this legal ground, our public shools allow to entrance into schools with free fees and textbooks for foreign workers' children by their intentions. The education of Korean's children in Japan receives the same treatments for Japanese children under the provisons of the Japan-Korea Agreement on the Legal Status. And this provisions can be applied to all other foreign worker's children. To our regret, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has adapted more passive attitude to deal these ploblems. The local self-governing bodies such as Tokyo, Ohsaka, Yokohama, Hamamatu and Mouka (Totigi) where have many foreign worker's children, make every effort to guarantee their educational opportunity, but it is hard to overcome these ploblems without national sopport. Attitudes towards the educational needs of ethnic minority children have changed over the years, a new concept of education for a multi-ethnic society began to emerge in all the countries of the world. From now on, it is our serious ploblems to develop the education for ethnic minority children.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1993-10-09
- 金子照基編著, 『学習指導要領の定着過程』, 風間書房, 1995年
- 序論 : 少子社会の到来と教育経営(教育人口の変動と教育経営の課題)
- 課外活動中の事故についての法律問題(学生の事故と対応)
- 教育経営における子どもの位置づけ(子どもと教育経営)
- 日本教育経営学会第29回大会報告
- 課外活動中の事故と大学の責任(課外活動)
- 国民教育の基礎を培う : 中間学校のジレンマをこえて
- 学校経営と職員団体(学校経営の今日的課題)
- 脱学校論とその問題点
- 学習指導要領の改訂と学校の対応 : 小学校における対応の規定要因の分析を中心に(II 共同研究)
- 新学習指導要領に対する教育委員会の対応の実態とその類型化 : 都道府県と市町村の教育委員会の対応パターンの特色とその連関を中心に(II 共同研究)
- 結城忠著, 『学校教育における親の権利』, 海鳴社, 1994年, 330頁
- 〔提案・五〕 行政研修のできること、できないこと(II シンポジウム「教員研修と行政の役割」)
- 学級規模と学級編制 : 「学級」観の転換(I 論説)
- 子どもの学習権と「選択の自由」(教育の機会均等と学校選択,I 論説)
- 教育の国際化と外国人にかかわる教育法制の課題(I 論説)
- 教育課程行政の課題(IV シンポジウム)