生涯学習体系論 : 教育制度論の再検討(I 論説)
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Recently, there have been many researches, tentative projects, and new policies related to life-long education throughout the world. Most of these attempts, however, have not reached an integrated and systematic set of theories which can bring about realistic educational reforms. This current situation requires the construction of basic theories and concrete strategies that will provide a system which promotes life-long learning based on securing an individual's right to learning. In this paper, the author tries to review existing theories of educational organizations and reconstruct their paradigm. The focus of this paper is on paradigm shift from "system for education" to "system for learning". The section headings of the paper are as follows: 1. From the System for Education to the System for Learning 2. Tasks Involved in Constructing the Theory on the System for Life-long Learning (1) beyond structural analysis on educational organizations (2) social system and life-long learning (3) factors that promote the system for life-long learning 3. Formulation of the Theory on the System for Life-long Learning (1) elements of the theory -forms and meanings of the formula: education=learning (2) review of existing theories on the educational organizations To conclude, the author points out a) the necessity to expand the scope of the objects of educational research to include such topics as latent function of education, non-intentional education, social and cultural background of education, etc, and b) the need to establish the research viewpoint which examines the security of the right of every individual, who is the subjective figure in learning, to learn throughout his/her life time.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1990-10-05
- 212 看護教師教育の課題(II) : 看護教員の看護教師養成教育に対する要望の分析(II-1部会 教師(1))
- 134 看護教師教育の課題 : とくに看護教員の受けた大学教育の影響からみた場合(I-3部会 教師(1))
- 244 「教師教育」と「教員の職務」との関連についての調査研究 : その2 看護短期大学教員と看護専門学校教員との比較 : とくに看護教員の場合(II-4部会 教師(1))
- 〔原著〕 看護短大における看護教員の教育意欲と職務
- 「教師教育」と「教員の職務」との関連についての調査研究(その1 看護教員の意識とその規定要因の分析) : とくに看護教員の場合(III-7部会 教師(2))
- 現代教育制度改革の視点 : 「教育の人間化」を求めて(教育改革と教育経営-改革への提言)
- 生涯学習体系論 : 教育制度論の再検討(I 論説)
- 〔提案・四〕 学区と学校選択 : 教育制度の立場から(II シンポジウム「学区と学校選択」)
- 主要国における「指導助言行政職」制度の改革(II 共同研究)
- 現代日本の学校における自由と統制 : 教育行政研究の基本的視角をさぐる(III 共同研究,第1部 教育改革と行政課題,創立20周年記念号)