英語の句構造に対する日本人中学生の理解度調査 : 「導入」から「定着」までの時差を特定する試み
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This is a longitudinal study that aims at investigating Japanese junior high school students' knowledge about English phrase structures and the process of its development based on Eigo Test-ho (Kanatani et al. 1994). About 150 subjects had joined in this study for over 2 years. They took eight grammar tests which consisted of questions about: 1) noun phrases with several modification structures, 2) to infinitive phrases, and 3) gerund phrases. We watched over their growth in the accuracy rates and tried to figure out any tendencies in the process. The obtained results were interesting and informative. We found that fairly a long period of time is needed for learners to acquire these phrase structures. Some possible factors to interfere with learners' acquisition, such as other grammatical items or question types, were also identified. We have a strong belief that accumulating such information about learners' knowledge will provide us of a better idea in teaching and assessing our students.
- 関東甲信越英語教育学会の論文
- 2006-03-01
- 日本人英語学習者作文コーパスJEFLL Corpus公開 : その研究・教育的意義(英語教育の到達目標-その基準を求めて-)
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- 英語の句構造に対する日本人中学生の理解度調査 : 「導入」から「定着」までの時差を特定する試み
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