英語多読の長期的効果 : 中学生と高校生プログラムの比較
- 論文の詳細を見る
A series of research ('Kanatani et al. 1991, 1992, 1994) has investigated long-standing effects of 3-4 week extensive reading programs for junior and senior high school students and so far has revealed an increasing gap in achievement between the participants and the non-participants of the senior high school programs. The results of the research studies indicated that the achievement gap turned significantly large after a 6 month 'latent period' and it was steadily enlarged until after 18 months. This present study attempts to examine whether similar long ranged effects are observable between the participants and non- participants of the juior high school programs. Similar positive effects of the junior high school program has already been reported in Kanatani et al. (1994). The gap was found inreasing until after 14 months. The present study trys to examine whether the enduring effects of the program will still be observable even after 17 months from the participation in the program.
- 関東甲信越英語教育学会の論文
- 1995-03-01
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