環境制約下における産業創造 - そのリスクと可能性
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Today, among the company engaged in environmental business, the major companies accountfor 60%, as the small and medium-sized enterprises for 40%. Mainly the former are doingbusiness in the demand for public agencies, and the latter in the private-sector demand.However, the situation has been changing. Recent environmental business is spreadingdiversity, from a specific to all industries, and demand from public agencies to private, fromurban to local. As noteworthy among them, it is the community type environmental businesswhich is produced by local businesses, generate new jobs, and further contributions to societythrough environmental conservation. This local type environmental business has the effect torevitalize the area, and shif ting existing industrial structure to environmentally conscious,leading to the promotion of green business activities. Considered this trend, significance anddirection of the business environment of the future is being suggested.The key to solving environmental problems is a company. In growing environmentalconstraints, In order for companies to raise revenue and CSR, it will advance to theenvironmental marketing efforts is the most effective action.
- 2013-03-10
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