約2,000 人の市民が高専に集まる学校開放イベント「おもしろ実験大公開!」
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Sasebo National College of Technology (Sasebo Kosen), a science festival called "Omoshiro Jikken Daikokai !"is held on Saturday of the middle of October every year. This event became the 16th in 2010, and it is completely firmlyestablished in the Nagasaki north area around Sasebo-city. The number of the guests had not reached 500 until 2003.However, the guests increased rapidly in these six years and grew up for the big festival that about 2,000 citizens gatheredin recent three years. We think that there are hardly any Kosen holding the science festival that all these citizens gather foronly in one day. In addition to this, we think that it is one of the most important actions for Kosen which needs ananti-declining birthrate measure to hold such science festival. In this paper, we pay attention to recent years' effort for thisfestival, and describe the various measures that we carried out to deal with rapidly increasing guests in detail.
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