- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposed of the present study was to investigate the relationships between life events, feelings about life and future time perspective(FTP). Study 1 and 2 focused on negative life events and positive life events, respectively. Female college atudents participated in both studies. In study 1, negative life events test, feelings bout life inventory(fulfillment sentiment inventory), FTP inventory and project test were administered. The results indicated that relationships between the feelings of shock triggered by negative life events, feelings about life and FTP were not observed. In study 2, the positive life event test(insted of the negative life event test used in study 1) was administered in addition to feelings about life inventory (fulfillment sentiment inventory), FTP inventory and project test which were also administered in study 1. The results indicated that the relationships between the feelings of happiness triggered by positive life events, feeling about the life(i.e., sense of trust and time perspective) and FTP components(i.e., total density and feelings of hopefulness) were obsereved. It was suggested from study 1 and 2 that relationships between life events, feelings about life and FTP were basically observed more strongly for positive life events than for negative life events.
- 2013-03-30
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