- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the effect of distraction strategy on preshool children's waiting behavior was related to the attractiveness of the distractor and the tempting object. Preshool children were prohibited from playing with a tempting plaything until given the experimenter's permission. Two kinds of situation were set up by manipulating the attractiveness of the forbidden plaything, the tempting object. For each situation, two kinds of the distractor condition and a no distractor condition were set up. Two kinds of distractor condition varied the attractiveness of the distractor. Subjects assigned to the distractor conditions were instructed to distract from the forbidden plaything by playing with the distractor during a waiting period. Subjects assigned to the no distractor condition were not given any distractor. The main results were as follows: (1) In the less attractive tempting object situation, an effects of the distraction strategy on waiting behavior was observed regardless of the attractiveness of the distractor and the effect became greater as a function of the attractiveness of the distractor (2) In the more attractive tempting object situation, an effect of the presence of a distractor was observed only for the more attractive distractor. The results were interpreted with the frustration theory.
- 活水女子大学の論文
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