飼料用トウモロコシ畑におけるアメリカイヌホオズキ(Solanum americanum Mill.)の化学的防除法
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Chemical control treatments of American black nightshade (Solanum americanum Mill.) in silage corn were evaluated. Field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of three herbicide application systems and one was left untreated. Treatments consisted of atrazine+metolachlor (7.4+11.0g ai/a (gram active ingredient per are)) pre-mix formulation applied at PRE, dimethenamid+linuron (7.0+6.0 g ai/a) pre-mix formulation applied at PRE followed by atrazine+metolachlor (7.4+11.0 g ai/a) pre-mix formulation at POST, and nicosulfuron (0.6 g ai/a) applied at POST. Weed dry weights were decreased to 11-26% of that in the untreated plots by each herbicide treatments. American black nightshade plant number and its proportion in residual weeds were larger compared with the others for POST nicosulfuron treatment. PRE atrazine+metolachlor, and PRE dimethenamid+linuron with POST atrazine+metolachlor application exhibited effective American black nightshade control. POST nicosulfuron alone would increase American black nightshade, instead.
- 2012-10-15
- 飼料作物品種比較試験(27)
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- 品種および栽培条件の異なる飼料用米の化学組成および栄養価
- 飼料作物品種比較試験(28)
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- 飼料用トウモロコシ畑におけるアメリカイヌホオズキ(Solanum americanum Mill.)の化学的防除法
- 飼料作物品種比較試験 (28)
- 飼料用米の加工および給与方法の違いが乾乳牛の消化性に及ぼす影響
- 飼料作物品種比較試験(29)
- 品種および栽培条件の異なる飼料用米の化学組成および栄養価
- 乾乳期間の短縮(40日間)が乳牛の泌乳成績, 繁殖成績および健康状態に及ぼす影響
- 飼料作物品種比較試験(27)