多様な社会的相互作用の捉え方についての考察 : PiagetとVygotskyの比較を通して
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In this article, we considered of aspects of influences to social interaction, making a comparison between Piaget's and Vygotsky's Theory. Consequently, the followings were identified as aspects of influences to social interaction. (1) Mathematical dynamics (2) Personal dynamics (3) Social dynamics (4) Cultural and Historical dynamics (5) Communications dynamics These dynamics interdependently influence his or her social interaction. Therefore, social interaction can vary on an individual and interpersonal. We think that a perspective of this study could be suggested by identifying these dynamics through interpreting literatures of Piaget and Vygotsky. However, we identified these dynamics from interpreting literatures of Piaget and Vygotsky, and nothing more. As tasks of this study, we must have an opportunity of a demonstrative examination of these dynamics in the future. Also, we have to make clear each concrete characters of these dynamics and mutually dynamic relationships among them. Such a research can be possible by observing children's and a teacher's actions in the classroom on various dynamics of social interaction.
- 全国数学教育学会の論文
- F11 数学の理解に役立つ社会的相互作用の様相についての研究 : 他者の考えを推察する効果について(F.【言語とコミュニケーション】,論文発表の部,第III編 第39回数学教育論文発表会発表論文要約)
- F11 数学の理解に役立つ社会的相互作用の様相についての研究 : 他者の考えを推察する効果について(F.【言語とコミュニケーション】,論文発表の部)
- B13 数学の授業におけるコミュニケーションに関する研究(5) : Paul Cobbの捉える社会的相互作用について(B.教授・学習分科会)
- B4 社会的相互作用を有効に機能させる討議の条件に関する一考察(B.教授・学習過程分科会)
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- m4 問題解決過程におけるプロトコル分析(m.【その他】,口頭発表の部)
- G3 ことばの発達と算数における学習成果との関連について : 1位数の加法・減法における算数作文の指導を通して(G.【言語とコミュニケーション】,論文発表の部)
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- 最短連結問題に関する数学授業の実践報告 : NP-困難問題の教材化への試み
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- 多様な社会的相互作用の捉え方についての考察 : PiagetとVygotskyの比較を通して
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