地域統合の経済史的前提 : ヨーロッパと東アジア(第75回全国大会共通論題,コンファレンス・レポート,第75回全国大会特集)
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There has been a recent tendency to draw stark contrasts between regionalism in Europe and East Asia. The main goal of the plenary session of the seventy-fifth annual conference of the Socio-Economic History Society, organized by Katsuhiko Kitagawa, was to consider regional integration between the two by examining the evolution of economic history to date. Peter Mathias presented a historical survey of Anglo-European economic relations from the past of 'long-term engagement' to the future of 'reluctant marriage'. Hisashi Watanabe, by noting the capacity of Europe to accommodate changes in interregional relations, indicated that integration movement in Europe developed from the stage of 'Europe of the Nation-States' to 'Europe of the Regions' to the most recent 'European Region'. Heita Kawakatsu suggested that Japan, which has accomplished its predominance in East Asian economy and catch-up to Atlantic economy, can serve as a model of decentralization based on environment-friendly eco-nationalism and contribute to the making of an East Asia community in the global shift of the international economic centre. Commenting on these presentations, Takashi Okunishi raised some doubts on the prospect of regional integration in East Asia because of the diversity of its institutions. Shigeru Akita emphasized that critical attention should be paid on the interconnectedness of regional integration in Europe and East Asia. Chieko Otsuru indicated that the United States, seeking its national interests and open-door globalization, approached regional integration in Europe through the framework of NATO and in Asia through the concept of Asia-Pacific regionalism and the framework of APEC.
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- 地域統合の経済史的前提 : ヨーロッパと東アジア(第75回全国大会共通論題,コンファレンス・レポート,第75回全国大会特集)