植民地期南部アフリカにおける『風景』の形成 : ジンバブウェのMatopos Hillsを素材にして(<特集>東西学術研究所シンポジウム:『近代との出会い-風景からのアプローチ』)
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This study is a part of wider research in which this author has been so far investigating into various aspects of liberation struggles in Southern Africa. In particular, discussions have been focused on the relations between guerrillas war and peasant society and legacies of liberation struggles in the post-independent Zimbabwe. It is also intended to research on decolonization of imaginations which had been constructed under the European colonial rule in Africa. Visual images invented under colonialism have played significant roles in disseminating political landscape of Southern Africa. This means that the study is not only about visuality but also cultural contacts and political encompassment engendered by European expansion in Africa. Specific attention is paid upon the Matopos Hills south of Bulawayo in colonial Zimbabwe. In the process of colonization, European settlers explored, exploited and conquered the new lands and converted landscapes of the Matopos to their own one. In other words, Europeans tried to make colonial landscapes fit with their concept of what they had learned in Europe. To begin with, the word pictures by Thomas Baines, the main producer of visual images of the nineteenth century Rhodesian landscape is analyzed. To the next, the meaning of Rhodes' interment in the Matopos is considered as one of the most significant rituals of colonization of landscape. After his funeral on April 10th 1902 nothing was spared in installing Rhodes as the "spirit" of the land. Finally African view of the Matopos is taken not merely as the site of struggle but the deeply rooted imaginations of their landscape in the late 1970s liberation struggles. For African people the cave is the nucleus of a living and active landscape and Mwali cult and shrines of the Matopos does all things to the landscape of the hills. There is no doubt that combination of stone and water is central to their imagination of the landscape of the Matopos. This had been shaped by an interaction with hunter-gatherers, cultivators and cattle-keepers for thousands of years although it seemed to nineteenth century European travelers so wild.
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