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This article, forcusing on Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, analyses the demographic change in the ethnic composition to consider the impact of a development project in border area on the nationalities problems. In the midst of the Korean War, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Province was established in September 1952 (relegated to prefecture in 1955) obviously as the reward for the Korean contribution and sacrifice in the liberation (civil) war and for the defence of the border during the Korean War. Koreans were predominant in the province, Koreans acounted for 70.5% in the province, 63.9% in Yanji City, 76.5% in Yanji County, 66.3% Hunchun, 82.3% Helong, 56.8% Wangqing, 59.1% Antu in 1954. In October 1958 Dunhua County where Hans acounted for more than 96% of the population was incorporated into the prefecture as a result of the shift of the nationalities policy of the government from the critical to the Great Han Chauvinism to the anti-local nationalism in the crisis of the world Communism and the number of Han residents exceeded that of the Korean for the first time in the prefecture in 1964. The new nationalities policy to encourage Hans emigrate in minorities areas to defend the border and help speed up the production for the achievement of socialism was accelerated in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Other factors for the increase of Han residents in the prefecture were the Government policy to control labor force and minings and forestry in the prefecture employing Han immigrants. The Reform and Opening could start only with severe criticism to the suppression of ethnic minorities during the Cultural Revolution. But the Han immigration in minorities area has been continuing under the development projects in the border areas. The decision of the Government to open Hunchun, traditional border market for the trade with Russia as a national border economic open city stimulatd Han immigration in Hunchun tremendously, Han residents in Hunchun were more than doubled between 1982 and 1996. On the other hand Korean emigration from the prefecture to foreign countries like South Korea, Japan, to big cities like Beijing, Shanghai or to rapidly developing coastal areas has been so active that it is seriously feared that the Korean proportion to the population in the prefecture may drop below 30%. The development of border areas with the Develop the West projector the Revive the Northeast project is an important policy of the Government to adjust the disparity between the developed with foreign direct investment and the underdeveloped inland (border areas). As border areas have sizable settlement of ethnic minorities including cross-border minorities like Tibetan and Uigurs the stability in the regions is crucial for the national security. But the disparity between the developed East and underdeveloped West has not always been adjusted and the gaps between newly developed cities with many Han immigrants and traditional villages with ethnic minorities are widening. In order to attain a harmony society it is urgent to re-examine the development model of the projects from the viewpoint of the ethnic minority.
- 2010-10-01
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