豆満江(図們江)地域開発における"NET(Natural Economic Territory)"論の意義
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A cross-border ethnic group who live on both sides of a border between two countries were often severely suppressed in the name of the protection of the border during the Cold War and their areas are usually poor and backward as the results. In the new intemational circumstances of peace, fraternity and cooperation, the areas can be developed on the basis of the natural economic territory (NET) as an international free economic zone. The treaty of the border on the Tumen in 1909 made Koreans in China a cross-border ethnic minority but at the same time recognized the Koreans on the border the freedom of moving across the border and of carrying their products out. The border has rarely been closed against them and the complementary relations across the border have been kept in spite of the drastic political turmoils. The Tumen River Area development can be a new model of economic development. Venbien and Rajin-Sonbong developed respectively can be combined economically to create an international free trade zone so that Yonbien can utilize its location near 3 Korean ports while the ports can be transit trade ports between the pacific countries and china and Mongorea.
- 北東アジア学会の論文
- 2001-11-05
- 中朝国境についての一考察
- 中国の延辺開発と朝鮮族社会の行政的変化の考察
- 豆満(図們)江地域開発におけるNET (Natural Economic Territory・自然経済圏)論の意義(第四分科会(北東アジア経済政治),新しいアジアの潮流と国際的地域交流の課題,2006年環日本海学会第12回学術研究大会)
- COMMENT(東北アジアにおける冷戦後の軍縮と要塞都市、ウラジオストクにおける「朝鮮族商業ネットワーク」-過去の経緯と現在の状況-,第1分科会:歴史・文化・交流,第7回大会報告要旨)
- 豆満江(図們江)地域開発における"NET(Natural Economic Territory)"論の意義
- 豆満江(図們江)地域開発とNET(Natural Economic Teritory)論(第2分科会:地域開発の理論と政策,第5回大会報告要旨)
- 沿海州の朝鮮人(〜1937年)
- 北朝鮮ルート論の系譜《報告要旨》(第2分科会;環日本海秩序と朝鮮,研究大会)