- 論文の詳細を見る
Comparing the Treaty of Chinese-Korean Border signed by Zhou Enlai and Kim Ilson in October 1962 in Pyongyang and the Protocol of the Border signed by both Goverments in March 1964 in Beijin with the Gando Agreement signed by the Ch'ing Dynasity and the Japanese Goverment in September 1909 particularly in details on the demarcation line around Chongji Lake and Tumen River we can recognize the important differences between them as follows. 1, The treaty and the protocol were concluded on the basis of the equality between the Chinese and the Korean goverments while the Gando Agreement was signed by the Ch'ing Dynasty and the Japanese Goverment which had put Korea under the control. 2, Changing the start point of the demarcation line around the source of Tumen River from the border monument on the foot of Mount Paektu or Paektusan (Changbaishan in Chinese), domain volcano, built in 1712 to the Chongji, a large lake at the bottom of the crater, Korea has come to posess a half of the lake. 3, The demarcation line on the source of the Tumen is changed to the first headwaters of the river as the Korean delegate insisted without success at the second border negotiation between the Ch'ing and the Yi Dynasities in 1887 from another headwaters which the Chinese delegate insisted and The Gando Agreement recognized as the demarcation line. 4, Tumenjian, a tributary of the Sonhwajian is recognized as a part of the border in the treaty. The Korean insistance at the border dispute in 1887 that Tumenjian mentioned on the border monument on the foot of Paektusan was not the mainstream Tumen River but another river is now partly adopted in the treaty. The differences mentioned above make it clear that the accord reached in 1960's was favorable to Korea taking the advantage of the rift between China and the Soviet Union. Reportedly province goverments of Liaoning and Jilin protested against the concession. But the recognition of Tumen River as the border has put Gando/Yanbian under the Chinese sovereignty in spite of the Korean nationalist argument that the region, a historical part of Korea was transfered to China by Japan in 1909 in return for Japanese mining concessions and exclusive rights to build a railway in Manchurea. The northern boundary between China and Korea corresponds to the Tumen River but the last 17 kilomters of the river which flows into the Sea of Japan marks the frontier between Russia and Korea. The principle of demarcation line between China and Korea is different from the one between Russia and Korea. China and Korea have adopted the principle of joint ownership, management and use of the waterway while Russia and Korea have situated the demarcation line in the middle of the river. As a cross-border ethnic group, Koreans in both sides of the Chinese-Korean border can trade in the shallow water of the river. It sometimes happens that they cross the border river freely. On the other hand, the use of the waterway between Russia and Korea is not so easy. Concerning the islands in Tumen River Korea has recognized the Chinese sovereignty over 246 of them while China has recognized the Korean over 137. The Korean nationalist argument that Gando/Yanbian is a historical part of Korea depends heavily on NAITO Konan's historical study on the Chinese-Korean border. But many other academic studies on Manchurea and Korea by THUDA Soukichi tell us another story. At the turn of Ming to Ch'ing many Manchus lived in both sides of the Yalu and the Tumen. When Abohai withdrew his troops from Korea, he took all the Manchus with him to fulfill his troops for the war against Ming. Gando became uninhabited until Korean peasants came to till the land there. As Paektusan is the sacred mountain of the Korean people, Manchus consider it the place of their ancestral origin. The Manchus are the second most populous national minority in China and the most important in Northeast.
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