- 論文の詳細を見る
To obtain better conditions for living longer, questionnaires data on nutrient intakes and non-nutritional factors by older people volunteers aged 70 and over were collected. Then, at 5 and 10 years after enrollment of the study, numbers of deceased volunteers were checked, being grouped into survivors and deceased subjects. All the data were analyzed epidemiologically. Total evaluation of nutritional states; each extent of an individual nutrient intake was expressed as scores by giving 6 steps of scores in proportion to nutrient sufficiency and total scores of each volunteer was computed. Total evaluation of non-nutritional living factors; each item for question in six categories of exercise, health, life-awareness, mental activity, social and cultural activity and human relations, was given a reasonable score and total scores were calculated. There were higher total scores in total nutrient intakes for survivors than for deceased volunteers both in men and women. Of the nutrients intakes surveyed, total and unsaturated fats intakes seemed to be closely related to living longer. Meanwhile, there were no differences in the non-nutritional factors between the two groups. For living longer, nutritional factors seemed important rather than non- nutritional factors, and particularly fat intakes in quantity and quality are likely to be invaluable.
- 仁愛大学の論文
- 2009-12-30
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