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A wellbeing as one of QOL in older people was discussed by using the findings previously obtained by our three epidemiological studies on older Japanese people.A characteristic analysis showed that older people of a D type who were stable and active for doing everything, took and consumed energy more than that of a B type, a reverse type of the D type. The older people of the D type had some vitamins and minerals more and going out more frequently than those of the B type as well.The sufficiency of nutrient intakes by a family type and gender showed that the older people surveyed ate enough or more, particularly ate most in a family living with wife and husband (FLWH). However, the "wellbeing score" computed was lowest in its wife and highest in its husband. On the other hand, both men and women in a family living together with a family of their child also had highest scores as similar as the men in FLWH, though they ate as slightly less as in FLWH. The lowest wellbeing score in the FLWH women might be due perhaps to the stressors derived from many kinds of orders by their despotic husbands in FLWH.The older Canadian-Japanese showed that some nutrient intakes were less than in the older Japanese living in Japan, and their health states were not so good as the controls living in Japan. Nonetheless they went out more frequently and actively for social and cultural events so on than the older people living in Japan, and they almost felt happy and were satisfied with their daily lives, being a remarkably distinguished difference between both groups.These findings suggest that enough or more dietary intakes do not necessarily contribute to "wellbeing". More than it, going out actively for taking part in social and cultural activities in a daily life may be important for improving wellbeing.
- 2010-12-30
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