論語研究新編 新しい論語理解を求める
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In this paper, which examines the newly edited Analects (Lunyu, ), I wish to point out the danger of reading the Analects without trying to understand the situation in Chinese society. But there are various good aspects for reading the Analects now and I believe that the points described within related to sociological and political philosophy are applicable even for today. For example, questions such as, "How can we become a good servant?", "How can we become a good employee?", "How can we become good parents?" or "How can we become good children?" seen in the ancients texts are also asked by people in the modern day, but no clue is given as to how a leader should be replaced nor thoughts are presented on how to fundamentally reform the contradictions ofsociety. I think it is imperative that present readers must not accept all of the Analects unconditionally because times have changed, however I feel that by using the Analects we will come to understand it's limits, but will discover that the ideals of Confucianism (Ruijao) will better our lives. This is different from people in the past who only used points from Confucianism convenient to them. I argue that Confucianism did not ruin China, but that China ruined Confucianism. As well, that even if there are many people in China and Korea who do not adhere to good social conduct, it is not the fault of Confucianism, which only aimed to better the present. It is clear that Confucianism has been be obstructed by the selfishness and strong authority of politicians, and has not been able to fulfill its ideals, even to the smallest degree.
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- 〓石如法書選集の新研究(二) : 〓石如法書選集(二〇〜三八)釈文・訳注
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- 〔トウ〕石如法書選集の新研究 釈文・訳注(1)
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- 中国旧社会と儒教
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- 中国の茶館と飲茶 補遺 上海・潮州・武夷山・杭州
- [トウ]石如法書選集の新研究(六)追補 [トウ]石如の古蹟
- 論語研究新編 新しい論語理解を求める
- 中国の文物商店 上海・南京・蘇州・杭州
- 儒教と論語
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