Pa-102 寒地におけるススキバイオマス原料生産に対する肥料および刈取り時期の効果(ポスターセッション1:1.資源,研究発表,(ポスター発表))
- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiment field was established at Sapporo, Japan in 2009 to analyze production of biomass feedstock of Miscanthus for cold region. Split-plot design with replicated four times, five breeding lines of M sinensis and four levels of fertilization was used. Plants were sampled periodically to estimate biomass potential (BP). At maturity stage, plants were harvested in autumn, winter and spring in order to measure actual BP and determin optimal harvest time. BP increased with season progress and, the variation among different fertilization levels and harvest dates was observed. In general, the higher fertilization level pots showed the higher BP. However, no significant increase was observed among fertilized levels. Genotypic response among fertilized levels was almost constant, and 'Akeno' had the highest yield in both non-fertilized and fertilized plots. Late harvest as spring reduced BP. Thus, storage of standing crop was relatively difficult in snowing area as Sapporo. However, loss of BP was less in some breeding lines such 'Akeno' or 'Shiozuka' in late harvest. This experiment suggests high biomass feedstock production with lower cost realize the combination of genotype, field maganement such as fertilization and harvesting time.
- 2012-01-18
- O-304 寒地におけるバイオ燃料フィードストックしての寒地型牧草4種とススキの可能性(セッション3:資源,口頭発表)
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- O-22 寒地におけるススキ系統の遺伝的変異性とバイオマス特性(セッション5:資源,研究発表(口頭発表))
- 1-23 北海道苫小牧ススキ草地における炭素収支とCH_4、N_2O放出(1.物質循環・動態,2010年度北海道大会)
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- Pa-102 寒地におけるススキバイオマス原料生産に対する肥料および刈取り時期の効果(ポスターセッション1:1.資源,研究発表,(ポスター発表))
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- 1-10 北海道苫小牧のススキ自然草地におけるN_2OおよびCH_4発生(1.物質循環・動態,2012年度鳥取大会)
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