サービスラーニングにおける統合カリキュラムの検討 : ドレイクの統合カリキュラム論による実践例の分析
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Susan M. Drake has labeled three different ways of structuring curriculum after reflecting upon her experience: multidisciplinary which focuses on different disciplines addressing the same theme, interdisciplinary which provides generic themes that can be used across the curriculum, and transdisciplinary which refers to curriculum which goes beyond, or 'transcends' the disciplinary boundaries. In this report, the service-learning program of Granite Falls High School was analyzed using Drake's three concepts of curriculum development. Granite Falls High School was one of only 70 schools in the U.S.A that received the honor of being named as a National Service-Learning Leader School. Research was gathered through personal interviews with Principal Peter D. Finch of Granite Falls High School. According to Mr. Finch, there are five important criteria for designing a successful service-learning curriculum: 1. Service is conducted in and meets the needs of the community. 2. Service is coordinated in and well integrated into the life of the school. 3. Service-learning activities are designed to foster civic responsibility. 4. Service-learning is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students. 5. The school provides structured time for the student to reflect on the service experience. This report will focus specifically on the standards, interests, and needs found in the Granite Falls High School project. Research such as this will contribute to the designing of service-learning curriculums as well as benefit the production of 'Sougougakushu' in Japan.
- 2002-03-31
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