アメリカにおけるカリキュラムマネジメント論の研究 : SLにおけるカリキュラムリーダシップ論を中心に
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Service-learning combines life issues of students which are related to community issues with learning objectives to improve school and community. This is accomplished by combining service tasks for self-reflection, self-discovery, and the acquisition and comprehension of values, skills, and subject knowledge andcontents. Main service theme is centered to blend each subject matter. The method is how to develop Interdisciplinary curriculum. In service-Learning curriculum management, partnership between school and community to contribute development of Curriculum quality. Collaboration within school is school culture (school climate), especially, about positive teacher's coordination. In conclusion of this research, Service-Learning collaborates with educational resources of community to develop the curriculum. A lot of social organization related to the social issues, this collaboration is also key concept for effective Service-Learning curriculum. On the other hand, collaboration in positive school culture is based on teacher's corporation to develop better quality curriculum. As result, collaboration of curriculum management is important for making Service-Learning curriculum effective more.Ⅰ.はじめに(課題設定) Ⅰ.学校・コミュニティー改善のためのカリキュラムマネジメント論 (1)カリキュラムマネジメント論の構成要素 (2)カリキュラムリーダーシップ論からみるカリキュラムマネジメント論 Ⅱ.変革的カリキュラムリーダーシップ論にみるカリキュラム開発方法論 (l)変革的教育論(TransformativeEducation)の目標論的検討 (2)変革的カリキュラムの開発論(TransformativeDesigning/Planning)の検討 (3)コミュニティー開発(communitydeve]opment)とSL経営主体の検討 Ⅳ. 変革的学校文化論(TransformativeSchooICulture) Ⅴ.おわりに(研究の成果と課題)
- 九州大学の論文
- 2004-03-22
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