高校歴史単元開発の方法 : 理論の選択と組織を中心に
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In this article, I will propose the method how to select and organize theories as teaching contents in high school world history, taking an example of the caste system theory in Indian history. The method has been devised through personal experience in planning several classes in world history. The chief principles of the method are as follows: firstly, we teach theories, not facts, in the history class. Secondly, theories must be studied critically by students, because the theory is an expository hypothesis, and thirdly, we must select theories and organize them into the teaching contents for history class. Practical techniques of selecting and organizing theories may be ordered as follows; 1) to select the middlle ranged theories of structural history for the subject. 2) to systematize theories from viewpoints of professional historians. 3) to examine the systematized theories whether those are suitable for teaching contents or not. I have two ways of examination of theories: firstly, to examine the theories from the contents of historical cases as teaching materials and secondly, to examine the theories from the logic of inquiry of students. 4) to reorganize the examined theories into the teaching contents of history. 5) to make up the history unit according to four steps; (1) getting information about the subject and understanding the problem, (2) making hypotheses (discovering theories) about the problem, (3) examining and revising hypotheses, (4) applying revised hypotheses to other (or future) cases.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
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- 高校歴史単元開発の方法 : 理論の選択と組織を中心に
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