日本におけるオープン教育の実態と課題 : 小・中学校のオープン教育実践校の調査結果から
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This is the result of the survey whose purpose is to analyse the practices and the difficulties in "open education" of 114 Japanese schools that have practiced individualized or personalized instruction with open space (96 elementary schools and 18 junior high schools) and to find the direction of improvement of Japanese open education. The survey was conducted in June, 1992 and it had 5 questions and each question was answered in a free style (sentence). Forty-seven schools responded (collection rate 41%) and forty of them have experienced open education for more than three years. The contents of the survey was as follows : (1) real conditions of the use of open space (2) difficulties in open education practice (3) improvement points of open education (4) opinions and views of the ideal open education (5) tasks of open education. From the result of this survey we can find tendencies among those schools as follows : (1) The use of open space : the teachers use it for individual learning, assembly, all classes learning in the same grade, team teaching, work activities, etc. more than 40 kinds of activities. The most common tendency is 'assembly', and next is 'work activities and individual learning', but 'team teaching' is less common. Most cases are 'assembly and presentation performance'. (2) The difficulties of open education : the most difficult problem is lack of a 'common understanding among the staff, and next is the lack of environment (equipment and tools) for developing broad children's activities. The third is the difficulty of flexible scheduling of open activity content and in sufficient time in curriculum planning. Also there is the difficulty of effective teaching and student guidance. (3) The improvement and tasks of open education : the survey says to weaken the national standard or criterion of curriculum, and especially, to allow the schools to make flexible the construction of subjects and activity areas and to plan synthetic learning activities, and to increase the number of staff and equipment. This paper reports only about questions (1) to (3). However, as a general tendency we can find Japanese open education emphasizes 'activitism' for individualization, just as in open space and still in common classrooms there is whole class instruction. Therefore, we have to recognize Japan's open education has the structure of the mixed styles of individualized instruction and whole class instruction which produces the difficulty of the staff's common understanding and changes their traditional teaching ideas and styles.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 1993-03-30
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