- 論文の詳細を見る
Hemjy IV Part 1 and Henry TV Part 2 have close relation, which has brought a lot of arguments asto whether Shakespeare planned Erom the beginning that he would write two plays or whether hewrote Part 2 because of the success of Part 1. In this paper, not the process of his writing is argued.but the facts are examined that the two plays are strongly combined because of the repetitions ofsituations such as King Henry's worrying about the rebels and Hal's resorting to Eastcheap.Three parts are compared and examined in this paper I 1. the relationship between Prince Hal andFalstaff 2. the change of Lady Percy's attitude 3. changing human relations. By considering closelyhow differently Shakespeare wrote about almost the same situation. the reason for the existence of thetwo plays is clarified.
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