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Many studies have looked at the effectiveness of university education. It can be said that this research has involved mainstream themes, such as the sociology of education and the economics of education. In a previous research project a "practice of learning" hypothesis was constructed from an analysis of a survey of engineering graduates, that considered how current learning related to university studies, leading to better performance at work and increased income. This paper aims to compare and verify the results of the analysis of a survey of engineering graduates, to test the validity of this "practice of learning" hypothesis and whether similar results could be obtained in the field of economics.This paper uses two types of data. The first is that of a questionnaire survey of 976 engineering graduates undertaken in 2004. The second is that of a questionnaire survey of 596 economics graduates conducted in 2009. Both of these surveys were carried out with a random sampling of graduates at the same national university.The main points resulting from the analysis are as follows: firstly, it was confirmed that educational benefits were derived from the practice of learning among economics graduates but that overall these benefits were smaller than those for engineering graduates. In other words, the benefits of a link to studying shown in the practice of learning hypothesis was confirmed among economics graduates, but in their case, this was because the knowledge obtained during time spent at university had a directly negative effect on income that could not be ignored. More specifically, it was discovered that economics graduates felt that the knowledge and skills they had acquired at university were more of a hindrance. Secondly, however, the negative effects of the knowledge and skills learned at university disappeared over time, and as a result, the educational benefits we are accustomed to seeing among economics graduates are particularly striking from middle-age onwards. In general, the occupational positions held by economics graduates and engineering graduates, differ. Most economics graduates work in white collar occupations, such as administration or sales, whereas most engineering graduates become technicians. To put it another way, on the one hand economics graduates occupy positions that do not have a direct connection with what they studied at university, whereas engineering graduates occupy positions that can be said to be an extension of their time at university. Such differences appeared immediately when those who had studied engineering began work, but it is possible that this may be connected to the differences in the practice of learning accumulated in the fields of engineering and economics. The results for economics graduates seemed to gradually manifest themselves as their careers progress.Finally, we also investigated the graduates' own recognition of the outcomes of their education. As stated above, it was also confirmed that a university education really did benefit economics graduates, but few of the graduates were themselves aware of these benefits, probably due to the time it took for the effects of education to become manifest. In Japan, particularly in relation to the Arts, there is often skepticism about the effectiveness of a university education, but possibly the kind of mechanism considered above, exists behind the scenes.
- 学力調査を使う(自主シンポジウムG3)
- ポスドク就職難民問題--解決のための処方箋は何か (特集 ポストドクター支援)
- 4.専門職大学院の教育とその効果(II-11部会 大学院教育,研究発表II)
- 工学系大学院教育への「同調度」の規定要因 : 16研究科に対する質問紙調査結果から(II-1 大学院教育)
- 職業高校からの大学入学者の分析--入学方法・進学分野および適応状況
- 大学入試システムの改善等に関する意識調査
- 大学教員が語る大学入学最低学力--「学力担保のためのテスト」の可能性とその意味
- の構造--高大接続対策の効果を探る
- 大学入学者選抜方法および入学者の属性と適応状況
- 大学院は出たけれど--夢を追い続ける「高学歴就職難民」2万人
- 6-109 JABEEにより教育は変わったか : 学部卒業生に対するアンケート結果(口頭発表論文,(13)教育評価・自己点検・評価システム-III)
- なぜ,大学に進学しないのか : 顕在的需要と潜在的需要の決定要因
- 検証 大学教育の効果を計測する(1)検証1 大学の教育は出世に関係するか
- 専修学校卒業者の就業実態--職業教育に期待できる効果の範囲を探る (特集 教育と労働)
- 小方直幸著『企業からみた専門学校教育(高等教育研究叢書108)』
- 大学院教育のあり方に対する学生の志向と教員の志向 : 「マス段階」の工学系修士課程における両者の関係
- 女子学生の「まじめさ」を問う (女性が変える大学)
- 2. 政策と世論の社会的距離(IV-11部会 教育の政策と制度(3),研究発表IV,一般研究報告)
- 1. 教育費負担をめぐる世論の日本的特質 : 利害・揺らぎ・ねじれ(IV-7部会 【一般部会】教育費負担の現代的課題,研究発表IV,一般研究報告)
- 現代高校生の進路選択における入試の位置づけ
- 現代高校生「学びからの逃走」の内実 : 受験回避行動に着目して
- 「大学教育の効用」再考:文系領域における学び習慣仮説の検証(山本眞一教授・北垣郁雄教授退職記念)
- 書評 望月由起「著」『現代日本の私立小学校受験 : ペアレントクラシーに基づく教育選抜の現状』
- ミドルの自己学習--自由時間における学びの構造分析 (ミドル人材のブレイクスルーを考える)
- 顧客接点人材の所得・経験・能力 (顧客接点人材を育てる。)
- 学びに見出した2つの類型 高度な学習法は身につくか (特集 展望 ミドルのブレイクスルー) -- (更なる成長への処方箋 人脈、学び、キャリア統合--成長促す3つの焦点)
- の研究との政策研究
- 高等教育における専修学校の役割--「入口」と「出口」からの検証(3)専修学校卒業生の所得と働き方
- 高等教育における専修学校の役割--「入口」と「出口」からの検証(2)卒業生の職業分布からみた専修学校の特質
- 高等教育における専修学校の役割--「入口」と「出口」からの検証(1)高校生の進学行動からみた専修学校
- 工学系修士課程教育の問題点 (今月のテーマ 技術者教育の曲がり角)
- 学生の経済生活の変化 (今月のテーマ 問われる学費)
- 1990年代における社会科学系修士課程の拡大メカニズム : 政策と現実
- 3. 進学中堅校に通う高校一年生の勉強時間 : 彼/彼女らの学習動機は何か(II-4部会 学力・学習(1),研究発表II)