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This paper proposes a new input method that provides a multi-valued, linear output according touserʼs pressure on surfaces of a small, portable information terminal. Our proposed interface usesstrain gage sensors to detect microscopic strain caused by fi ngertip pressure on the device. First, astrain detection circuit was verifi ed using a simple aluminum plate sample with 2 strain gages. Next,to verify operation of the proposed interface, an experimental prototype was manufactured usingstrain gage sensors on each side surface of an aluminum box and 2-axis strain detect circuits. Theexperiments to control screen image displayed on a LCD were conducted by 6 users. As the results,the users could operate the image by pushing the side surfaces of the terminal device. The strength ofuserʼs pressure applied to the scroll speed, and the direction of the load related to the motion directionof the image. With the proposed interface, the information terminal units do not require a specifi c area,thickness, or position for input button-switches in the chassis.
- 2012-03-31
長谷 智弘
野中 誉子/長谷
長谷 智弘
野中 誉子
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