中世ヨーロッパの健康のための事物性格表 : Tacuinum Sanitatisの3つの写本の比較
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The manuscripts known by the Latin title, Tacuinum Sanitatis are translations from Tak,wīmal-s,ihha Tak,wīm al-s,ihha written by Ibn-Butlan, eastern Christian doctor who wanted to show naturesof elements of life so concisely. In later middle ages, Tacuinum Sanitatis were made into illuminatedmanuscripts in northern Italy or near around. In these manuscripts, the explanations of each reduced. Buteven then we can get information of the natures of elements which are described by several parameters, i.e.their properties (hot, cold/wet, dry) generally expressed in degrees. Here are shown elements of the mostfamous illuminated manuscripts of Tacuinum Sanitatis, Tacuinum Sanitatis in medicina, cod.Vind.2644 ofVienna, Theatrum Ssanitatis of Rome (Casanatense 4182) and Tacuinum Sanitatis Latin 9333 of Paris ontable from which it gets clear that there can be found many differences in properties and degrees, especiallybetween Casanatense 4182 and others. The manuscript of Casanatense 4182 might be made with advisesof other doctors, even if its pictures have many common points with others. If we want to approach themedieval diet theory more precisely, we should examine many more manuscripts
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- 2012-03-31
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- 中世ヨーロッパの健康のための事物性格表 : Tacuinum Sanitatisの3つの写本の比較