- 論文の詳細を見る
Here present some book lists of statinarii or bookshop keepers who dealed with text books for studies at the universities in Italy in the high middle ages. The first list is based on the trascription of the document of Olomuc, which was thought to have been written in c.1274/76(Table 1). The second is made from that of Montpellier, perhaps dated in c.1280(Table 2). The third is the inventory of the property left by Solimanus Martini, stationarius of Bologna, who died in 1289(Table 3). In these book lists of stationarii, books were lined in order;legal texts(civil and canonical), Apparatus, and legal monographies, though they contained books smaller in number than those on the book list for the taxation of statuta universitatis scholarium iutistarum bononiensium in the early fourteenth century(Table 4). The last table shows comparatively these book lists, other lists of stationarii refered by Genest, and the list of books actually daled with in 1265-1330, studied by Perez Martin on the base of Memoriales of Bologna(Table 5). It indicates implicitly the activities of stationarii not so strictly restricted by statutes of the university.
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