- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan after World War II, increase of rice production was a national subject. It is becausethe rice, which is the national staple food, was always insufficient. However, there was anexcess of rice at the end of the 1960s. The government started the acreage reduction policy in1970 and this policy still continues.The feature of Japanese agriculture is the small cultivated area per farmer, and so,productivity is low. In the places where high productivity industries other than agriculturedevelop, farmers with low productivity leave agriculture. The abandoned farmland is combinedand productivity improves. However, low productivity farmers have survived because of thepowerful agricultural support policy. As a result, the rice price in Japan is several times higherthan the international price.High price of rice is unavoidable from the aspect of the food security. However, the result ofthe protective policy caused the situation where farmland was reduced, farmers grew old, andyoung people did not want to become farmers. If this state continues, Japanese agriculture willdecline.Under such situation, the decline of the self-sufficiency of food became a problem,participation in TPP came up for discussion, and abolition of the rice tariff became a bigproblem. Is it possible to raise the self-sufficiency of food while pushing forward liberalizationof rice? This paper tries to examine this problem.
- 2012-03-10
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